Wilko's Messages of Hope

Get Busy with Life's Purpose.

Toss Aside Empty Hopes.

Get Active in Your Own Rescue.

Marcus Aurelius.

Hello - my name is Chris Wilkinson. Here's a little about me.

I was born in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape in 1946. So that makes me an "ou toppie".

Spent my Schooldays in East London at Cambridge High School, matriculating in 1964.

Moved up to Johannesburg in the late sixties "seeking my fortune". I'm still seeking, mind you.

A lot of water and money has passed beneath my bridge over the years.

I survived Colon Cancer in 2016 thanks to surgery. Followed by six months of chemo-therapy.

And then Covid and lockdowns in 2020 which knocked a lot of people down.

To say nothing of the political debacle we have had to live with over the last 75 years.

But now we have a Multi-Party Government which will take us forward into the next 30 years.

I hope I live long enough to be a part of these changes.

I'm a Gold Medalist (2010) and Honorary Member of the South African Nursery Association (SANA).
Although no longer involved in the Industry, I am still proud to be an Honorary Member!

I don't want to brag, but I am actually featured on the SANA Heroes Page.

Together with a whole lot of Real Heroes like:

My Bridge is still standing.

It's been a whole lot of fun, but it's time to start giving back.

And I do this via email and affiliate marketing.

The tide will turn, as it always does.

I encourage you to just keep going. What goes out, must come back in.

What goes down must come back up. Gravity in reverse.

We need to talk to people who want to hear what we have to say.

With their permission.

It's about sharing and encouraging people like you and me.

With a little help from our friends. Helpful Sharing.

Doing what we can, with what we've got, sharing with others like us.

Sharing stories. Not the ones we hear on Radio, TV News, or Social media.

The ones we seldom hear about. The positive ones. The Good Stories.

I'm very grateful that I can still do what I do.

Many, many people are far worse off than I am.

A SANA Hero? Well, maybe, many years ago. Very happy memories.

Nowadays I just listen to my music. I'm still an Elvis fan!

Sometimes I dance a little. On my own. It's good exercise. Keeps me young at heart.

Or play my guitar with The Shadows or Beatles.

Thank you to all my customers (friends) who have supported me over the years.

You kept me going. I appreciate that.

We need to stay positive. Alles sal regkom!

This is what I do to earn a living. Not to build an empire.

Simply Supplementing my retirement and pension. Surviving.

With a little help from my friends. Sharing.

In the past I have used Weebly, Wordpress, Wix, Mailchimp, Icegram, and a few others for my Websites.
I find that Systeme io is the easiest, simplest, and cheapest way to build my website and email Newsletter.
But please don't take my word for it. See for yourself what YOU can do with it.
All it costs you is your email address. Start building YOUR Online Business for free. Today. Chris W.

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My "Overnight Success" has taken many years. About 60, after finishing school in 1964.

A lot of "learning" after school.

I've had a lot more out of life than I got out of school.

I will continue doing what I can, with what I’ve got, for as long as I can.

It may not be much, but I'm happy to share it with anybody who wants to.

I hope you will find something of value for yourself here and in my Weekly Newsletter.

Every day above ground is a great day! We just have to make the most of what is left of it.

With very best wishes.

PS. Remember that your life is YOUR DIY PROJECT. Nobody can live it for you.

And we can only encourage others to live their best lives. We can't demand anything from anybody.

We all make our own choices.

I believe in Online Websites and Direct Email Communication and Marketing.

That's my choice. My One Thing! Online.

I promote Online Websites/Blogs and Direct Email Marketing for Business Owners through the Systeme io Platform.
The World's Easiest Online Marketing Platform.
Sign up for your free account and see what YOU can do using this platform.
There is no such thing as overnight success! Take your time and you will succeed.

Wilko's Weekly Email Newsletter

Simply Sharing Online Information and Opportunities with South Afri-CANs who want Positive Change.

If it's NOT for you, no worries, simply unsubscribe, and I'll never bother you again.

I wish you well on your journey through Life.

May it be a long and fruitful one.

Chris Wilkinson (Wilko).

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Wilko's Messages of Hope

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